“Complex societies rely on their elites to get things, if not right, at least not grotesquely wrong. The elites need to do better. If they do not, rage may overwhelm us all...”
Do you feel sorry for the zombies all around you, so dutifully digging their own economic graves?
Do you wonder how they could be conned so many times in a row by the exact same sociopaths?
Do you wonder how so many *smart* people could be so stupid? What is our definition of intelligence? What is going to happen to the university cartel when everyone realizes that they are pumping out 90% self-imploding bullshit?
Do you wonder how much sanity and "humanity" will remain on the other side of the "reset", given that sanity is already tanking, and this entitled society has a conscience the size of a pea?
Do you wonder what's in the water that is turning men into self-absorbed little boys at a catastrophic rate?
Do you wonder how so many people could throw their own childrens' future under the bus without even a second thought?
Do you wonder how a billionaire who made $60,000 every two minutes last year can be so inhuman and oblivious as to honestly believe that "The world is better than it has ever been" when the global poverty line is $1.25/day? Maybe he is right, and things never have *appeared* better on the surface - to oblivious dumbfucks. After all, we are at peak bread crumbs right this very instant. There have never been more bread crumbs falling off of the big table as there are right now. The peasants should feel so very fortunate.
Do you wonder if these all-intelligent billionaires congratulating themselves on their hard-earned Central-Bank-sustained-wealth while household income falls into the abyss, realize that they are modern day Tsars jostling to be first at the guillotine?
Do you wonder what kind of subhuman it takes to work at the World Bank and raise the global poverty line from $1 to $1.25/day with a straight face and then consider that "progress" towards eradicating poverty? In any sane world, that would be called overriding proof of abject failure. Stop the experiment post haste.
Do you wonder if they are all now starting to realize that they are not so different after all, and that their castles in the sky can't save them from reality?
Do you wonder what is inherently wrong with this cybernetic organism inappropriately called human? And does a species with the conscience the size of a pea really have a nuclear-age future?
I do.
"You were made as well as we could make you."
"But not to last."
"The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long. And you have burnt so very very brightly"
"I've done questionable things."