Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Idiocracy's Checklist for Financial Collapse

Let's review the Idiocracy's checklist to ensure all preparations have been made:

1) Market controlled by front-running HFTs, causing random meltdowns and stock crashes
- Check

2) Investors anaesthetized by monetary dopium ("Operation Twist") and hence oblivious to risk
- Check

3) Impending global recession
- Check

4) Make-believe U.S. recovery sponsored by (more) government borrowing
- Check

5) Intractable European debt crisis getting worse with each passing moment
- Check

6) Financial news media with its head fully lodged in the financial industry's ass
- Check (night vision goggles all around)

7) Politicians campaigning full time and ignoring reality
- Check

8) All finance industry laws and incentives leading up to 2008 still fully in place
- Check

9) All policy-makers, finance industry executives and other buffoons contributing to 2008 still fully in place
- Check

10) Fully outsourced economy, ensuring absolutely no job creation whatsoever
- Check

11) Rigged banking system and interest rate setting mechanism (Liebor)
- Check

12) Massive post-2008 consolidation of the banking sector, creating banks that are too bigger to fail 
- Check

What else?  Another war?  Let's see if Iran is available, fall back on Syria.  Or, lazy man's approach, just keep drone attacking Pakistan until that shit blows back in our face. 

Ok, we are ready.  All signs point to yes !!!