Speaking of Birthers, the mere fact that Donald Trump is now the front-runner for the Republican Presidential nomination is a sad testament to the dearth of leadership talent at hand. No one has bankrupted more businesses than this self-promoting, wind bag dilettante.
As far as total incompetence and corruption, no one can beat the Federal Reserve and its bullshit-spewing Chairman, Bernanke. Today he gave a press conference during which he declared that Quantitative Easing (Monetization of Debt) has been an unmitigated success. After that, reporters threw softball questions at him, assiduously avoiding any question that would definitively prove that the Chairman is either a liar, a moron, or likely both. As proof of the success of QE2, Bernanke did not offer any benefit to the economy itself, only saying that the stock market had gone up. You mean to say that the stock market benefited from interest-free loans made available for short-term financial speculation? Who would have guessed? He also expressly denied any connection between QE2 and commodity prices - in other words the Chairman of the Federal Reserve claims no practical knowledge of supply/demand and futures arbitrage. The most mind-boggling thing the Bernank said though is that he won't raise interest rates until wages start going up i.e. He is ok with the cost of living going up, but dammit, once the Middle Class starts making more money, then the party is over !!! What a jackass. And of course everyone in the room just nodded in agreement with the Great Bernank - not one person questioned his contorted logic.
Based on their lack of basic financial literacy, one must assume that the media in this country are equally incompetent or dimwitted for not holding these corrupt Idiocrats accountable. So here are a few graphs to illustrate poignantly just how badly QE2 has damaged the real economy and the average Middle Class taxpayer.
All of these graphs illustrate the net price change since QE2 was announced in late August, 2010 including the subsequent period when it was implemented in November, 2010.
Interest Rates (Including Mortages which are tied to Treasury yields)
So by his own admission, the only thing not allowed to go up in Bernanke-Land, is wages.
Monetary Policy has systematically destroyed the Middle Class, by inflating asset bubbles and encouraging debt accumulation. Case closed. Bernanke is just another Wall Street Bukkake whore, and the media are the chimps watching the show.