
Friday, July 12, 2013

Rat Race Into Oblivion

The Idiocracy is bounding merrily towards its own oblivion. The masses at large are totally ignorant as to how most people live on this planet. As long as the status quo is working for them, then they don't really give a fuck whether or not it works for anyone else. Unfortunately, these self-absorbed masses are equally ignorant of basic economics. and therefore hurling themselves at the brick wall of reality...

The 5:1 ratio
The U.S. alone consumes 25% of the world's natural resources yet has only 5% of the world's population. That figure is roughly the same across most of the developed world. Therefore, globalization was only ever a zero sum game aka. a temporary ponzi scheme. There was always zero probability that the developed world would ever bootstrap their way to a consumption oriented lifestyle without pushing the developed nations into depression. 

The Most Narcissistic Society In History
Unfortunately, most people in the developed world society are not only ignorant of this basic 5:1 ratio, but they obviously don't give a damn either. There is almost no mainstream acknowledgement of the fact that our lifestyle comes at the expense of the greater population of the world. The primary fantasy narrative still to this day is that globalization is the (only) path to global prosperity. What should we expect from the most self-absorbed and narcissistic society in human history? The exponential rise of reality television and the various forms of social media are merely this society's overwhelming infatuation with self. It's a society obsessed with staring at itself in the mirror, while the rest of the world falls apart unnoticed in the background. There are pollyannas who would say that things have always seemed to be getting worse from a geopolitical standpoint. These delusionals forget that human history is cyclical and cycles of prosperity are followed by cycles of economic decline. Given that we are living in the longest and largest uninterrupted cycle of prosperity in human history - without parallel, and now propagated by Central Bank alchemy, then some amount of caution is duly warranted. Which gets me to my next point...

The Grasshopper and the Ant
Today, the masses at large view "doomsday preppers" as nutjobs. They are regarded as anti-social pessimists who are constantly predicting the end of the world. Unfortunately, it's quite the opposite. Today's clueless masses are the real asinine nutjobs to actually believe that their debt-addicted way of life is the least bit sustainable. The "preppers" are merely the ones who have woken up to the fact that status quo is not the least bit sustainable; therefore, they are preparing in advance for the inevitable societal unrest that will occur when the system crashes once and for all - out of the clear blue sky. How any of that can be deemed irrational, of course makes no sense. Preppers are just people who can do basic math and otherwise know a liar when they see one. My cousin has started his own initial steps towards prepping - growing a garden, stockpiling supplies etc. Not because he knows for certain that "this" will all end tomorrow - only because he has an innate sense that it's all temporary and he isn't willing to shove his head up his own ass and pretend otherwise...

Ponzi Schemes collapse from the bottom up
Ponzi schemes of course collapse from the bottom up. The people at the top will be the last to know globalization is already collapsing, and hence they and their controlled media buffoons will be the most surprised. Even the average suburban yuppy still clinging to the remnants of the American Dream will privately admit that the dream is really only a handful of paychecks away from turning into a nightmare. All of this means of course that Bernankenstein & Company have no clue what sort of monster they have created and sustained during these past several decades. Only when it comes home hungry will they realize that they are the iconic dunced leaders of history's most oblivious and vacuous society, aka. "the Idiocracy".