
Thursday, May 29, 2014

FULL DENIAL: An Extinction Level Event

No country can get away with electing Circus Clowns to Congress
House Republicans just voted to prevent the Pentagon from using climate science data and information in any form of war gaming or adverse scenario planning. Because of course, climate change doesn't exist, so why prepare for it? These are the same abject buffoons who initiated the Afghanistan War and the Iraq war, which bankrupted their own country while the Taliban and Al Qaeda followed the Viet Cong field manual step-by-step.

A society that is no longer intelligent enough to identify and protect its own (and its children's), long-term interests is headed for extinction. The bludgeoning will begin in the financial markets, kicking off with a mass bankruptcy, as the denialists-at-large finally learn their lesson about trusting the Bernie Madoffs on Wall Street yet again, with their life savings...These infants need to learn that reality doesn't give a flying fuck about "belief"...

Starting five years ago, the CIA and Pentagon woke up to the fact that science is real and bullshit is not real. Therefore they started using climate change scenarios in their war gaming strategies:

December, 2009:
"For the first time, Pentagon planners in 2010 will include climate change among the security threats identified in the Quadrennial Defense Review, the Congress-mandated report that updates Pentagon priorities every four years."

"But the new attention to climate concerns among U.S. security officials does not mean the Pentagon and the CIA have taken sides in the debate over the validity of data on global warming. As with nuclear terrorism, deadly pandemics or biological warfare, it only means they want to be prepared."

"The American people expect the military to plan for the worst," says retired Vice Adm. Lee Gunn, a 35-year Navy veteran now serving as president of the American Security Project. "It's that sort of mindset, I think, that has convinced, in my view, the vast majority of military leaders that climate change is a real threat and that the military plays an important role in confronting it."

Fast forward to today:
“None of the funds authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available by this act may be used to implement the U.S. Global Change Research Program National Climate Assessment, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fifth Assessment Report, the United Nation’s Agenda 21 sustainable development plan, or the May 2013 Technical Update of the Social Cost of Carbon for Regulatory Impact Analysis Under Executive Order.”

"These research programs, ongoing and widely used by the Pentagon in strategic national defense planning for many years, could, if the Senate agrees, become illegal to use."

"All 227 Republicans are officially on record as science deniers"

Pentagon’s historic use of climate-science research in defense planning
"the CNA Corporation Military Advisory Board, a longtime Pentagon consultant that includes 16 retired generals and admirals...just updated a report that earlier “described projected climate change as a threat multiplier.”

There's a price to be paid for a society so dumbed down by its own junk culture, junk food, and bullshit that it is wholly incapable of realizing what's in its own self-interest for survival:

$EXTINCTION (no refunds)